You know, I have always been an, "On the fence guy... a go along, get along guy but there is one thing I believe in. America! While I'm not perfect I believe that I should, could and would do my best to protect the RED, WHITE, and BLUE. If I move to a different country then I'm expected to follow the rules. If you want to live here in the US then do it properly and have patients. If something is wrong in someone's country then they should affect change. Be the change. Vote! Stand up for what you believe in. You may not be the affect of change but you could be the start. Just as our forefathers did they started a change. Now, the change says no vacancy. Why? because of the acts of malicious people who don't like us because we are different. Not everyone is the same or is going to agree but this is my country and I believe in what we have here. I may have disagreements with somethings in this country but I still love her. Why would Mexicans or many other Latinos come here? Is it a better life? There are so many questions. What questions do we not know? What are we missing? Mexico has been around a very long time. Why cant they amass and fight to have a better life? Why would a people be corrupt and not fight for their citizens. In this reference, Im speaking of the corrupt cops in the border town of Mexico along the US. I get that nothing is perfect but fight for your rights. You may die but the person after you that has the same strong convictions after you may be the ultimate change. Be right, be fair, be just, and be the one who can allow someone else to live a better life in a country that is not right, not just. If you still want to be an American then wait patiently and pray for a better life. Until then find ways to further yourself and fight for a belief of self. Keep fighting!
Since Oklahoma has passed the No permit law for fire arms I have had mixed feelings. I fully support the 2d Amendment. Before the modern age owning a weapon for a tool, a means of survival. Furthermore, those before us were not carrying automatic and semi-automatic weapons when the Bill of rights was written. As we have become more modern, we have become more civilized (for the most part) Today weapons are a toy and some for protection. To fully support the 2d Amendment I feel that Americans must first know how to use it and the laws that for in place for use. A good example of this is... you cant fire your weapon from a vehicle unless you can prove exigent circumstances. Also, you must be able to protect law enforcement when they are in danger if you on the scene. If they are in trouble you must be able to assist. This doesn't mean that you are going to instantly start enforcing the laws. If a ...
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