My analysis of Danielle Allen's first part of her book is that she is talking about liberty and equality and the difference between the two. She hones in on equality and basically states that equality is the goal... it is better. We want to be equal and we want freedom and liberty. Equality is the fairness that we yearn for. Equality is the treatment that transcends out of freedom and liberty. Allen further goes on to say that in the elections of 2012, Presidential candidate Mit Romney quoted a backdrop during a debate.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —
I feel that Romney construed this text for his own gain rather than focus on the true meaning. The meaning? Equality! While I believe what she does is that Equality is the Goal of the American people. We are not there yet. Will we ever be?
The cover photo for our class seems to depict today. Without knowing from the caption below, I think any of us could have taken that view as a current one. The word, "Vote" on the boy's forehead speaks volumes. As they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words." The word vote, to me, translates to equality. It becomes indicative of a mockery the "blackface" look from the 19th-century photos and entertainment. The vote to be equal, to be free of oppression, to live a great life just like any other person in America. I think Allen would have surmised the same as I did. The flag in the background with the other person's scowl further solidifies the right of equality. The grain and texture of the black and white hue intensify the fight for equality. The right to be free just like any other Man (ambiguous). Is there more to the word of equality? Can it stand alone? Should it? In the end is it everyone's duty to help their fellow man (ambiguous) to be equals and to ensure equality is sustained in our lives forever then passed on.
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