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Showing posts from January, 2019
Being a Catholic Republican I was discussed with those kids.  Then I realized that they haven't lived a full life.  They don't know what's ahead of them in life yet.  As someone who is older and wiser then I was.  I have seen the world and experienced many things, places, cultures, and ideas.  Kids are filled with vigor and excitement and their impulsiveness will soon die off like everyone else before them.  They don't know any better.  I digress though.  They haven't lived or taken the time to understand others or their surroundings.  In time they will learn.  With situations like this that's is the only thing that will help them understand... Time.  Another factor is that when they are directly affected by something that they oppose or don't understand then they will take further stock in issues and ideas that affect them.  Something I neglected to think of earlier is that they are not fully educated and they are still under...

Allen's word of equality

My analysis of Danielle Allen's first part of her book is that she is talking about liberty and equality and the difference between the two. She hones in on equality and basically states that equality is the goal... it is better.  We want to be equal and we want freedom and liberty.  Equality is the fairness that we yearn for.  Equality is the treatment that transcends out of freedom and liberty. Allen further goes on to say that in the elections of 2012, Presidential candidate Mit Romney quoted a backdrop during a debate.                  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — I feel that Romney construed this text for his own gain rather than focus on the true meaning....